Pilates Lifestyle by Amanda Kersen tel: 07768 173200

About Pilates

Joseph Pilates devised an exercise program around precision of movement, concentration, good breathing and coordination so as to achieve a well balanced body with a strong core and correct alignment. The exercises target internal core muscles that we so often forget about when performing daily tasks thus resulting in muscle and postural injuries, back pain and complaints. To function well we need to move well with ease.

My Pilates Classes see timetable below

My classes are fun and friendly, (but by no means easy!) and we always welcome new people. I do however recommend that if you have never tried the exercise you have a 1 to 1 session first. This teaches you the principles of Pilates and allows me to explain the correct body positions and alignment that you will need to use when working in the class. I am able to set your level safely so that you can benefit and achieve your goals.
I am registered with REPs (Register of Exercise Professionals)and an approved Appi Pilates instructor that has worked with the medical profession and alongside, Physiotherapists, Osteopaths and Chiropractors.

Classes are mat work classes with the use of stability balls, flexi bands and other small equipment

The Aims of Pilates Exercises

The aims of the exercises are to ease you into a neutral alignment encouraging elongation which will result in an improved posture and therefore better movement function.
Pilates exercises focuses on a total body conditioning combining muscle strength, flexibility, joint mobility and stability, improving core abdominal strength, spine, shoulder and lumbo-pelvic stabilisation.

The exercises use defined precise flowing movements incorporating a breath pattern to help the body move more freely. With concentration and control you can increase strength far more effectively and safely than any other way. For most people, this means eliminating or reducing back pain, shoulder pain and injuries as well as firming up the abdominal and torso muscles.

How Pilates can help you

Pilates can benefit everyone ranging in age and fitness. Pilates is an essential part of any fitness/ rehabilitation program. In a 1 to 1 session I will assess your movement pattern and get you to work with exercises that are going to improve your performance. This can mean reducing pain or improving your fitness depending on your requirements. With the appropriate exercises you should feel the benefits and gain a better understanding of how you can really get the most out of your body in all your daily tasks. As your instructor I will work along side you to encourage and challenge you correctly resulting in an effective Pilates workout.

If you lead a less active lifestyle sitting at a desk or behind a wheel for several hours, Pilates can greatly help where muscles may have become weak and tight. Alternatively it may be that you are required to carry heavy loads or have strong physical demands that can contribute to back ache,shoulder pain and knee complaints.

Pilates is also great for

Sporty or active teenagers reduce the risk of injury to growing bones by strengthening supporting muscles and correcting posture

Aiding recovery and regaining confidence following an injury

Increasing muscle support and tone for hyper mobility, reducing the risk of dislocation

Increasing bone density through weight bearing exercises

Guaranteed to keep you in good.

Times of Classes in Northwood Hills


9.30-10.3am - Pilates- Amanda
10.45-11.45am- Pilates- Shivani
7.00-8.00pm- Pilates- Amanda
8.15-9.30pm - Pilates- Amanda


7.30-8.30pm- Pilates- Judy
8.30-9.30pm- Pilates- Judy


9.30-10.30am - Pilates- Shivani
7.00-8.00pm - Pilates- Amanda
8.10-9.15pm - Pilates- Amanda


9.30-10.30am - Gentle Pilates- Amanda
7.00-8.00pm - Pilates- Amanda


9.30-10.30am- Pilates- Judy
10.30-11.30am- Pilates- Shivani
11.30-12.30pm- Pilates- Shivani


9.30-10.30am - Pilates- Amanda
11.00-12.00pm- Pilates- Shivani


10.30- 12.00pm- Vinyasa Yoga- Anna
3.45-4.45pm- Pilates- Shivani
4.45-5.45pm- Pilates- Shivani

For Safety reasons all participants must have pre booked and filled in a health form before joining a class. Call Amanda on 07768 173200 for details

Classes are held in the Pilateslifestyle Studio 2nd Floor Argyle House Joel St Northwood Hills
Street parking is available. Opposite Northwood Hills Station

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